Orders of Magnitude
Imagine you're building yourself a new house, from scratch, and you're trying to guess how many bricks you'll need. You »
Imagine you're building yourself a new house, from scratch, and you're trying to guess how many bricks you'll need. You »
What if you hadn't been a cheapskate and had just bought the damn bike lock? Suppose you'd never said hi to that »
> Disclaimer: Some of the terms defined below are defined differently elsewhere. The differences are mostly semantical and it’s easier to only focus on the »
How our intuition about "G-forces" fails us You’re heading home on a Friday night, sitting in the backseat of your friend’s car, »
Walls have bricks, elements have atoms, organisms have cells, and a bowl of Lucky Charms has little fake marshmallows. Walls, elements, organisms, and Lucky Charms all »